Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Review - Campo Viejo Reserva - 3/29

 Name: Campo Viejo Reversa

Variety: Tempranillo

Year: 2017

Grape: Tempranillo

Region: Rioja

Country: Spain

Price: 17.99

Today I decided to try a new type of wine - one that I thought would appeal to what I understand so far about my personal preference - I like dark, complex reds. After seeing this grape mentioned in Wine Folly, I decided that I should give Tempranillo a try. So I picked myself up a bottle of Campo Viejo Tempranillo. 

Once I tried the wine, I immediately knew I liked it - but I couldn’t articulate what I tasted. So I found the Wine Folly entry for Tempranillo (pg 175), and checked the descriptors

  1. Body - Moderate  - I agree with this. Expected it to be a bit fuller - think I had a bit of a misconception

  2. Sweetness - Low  - Absolutely  

  3. Tannins - Moderately High - This is one of the things I could immediately tell 

  4. Acidity - Moderately High - For whatever reason I don’t really associate a taste with acidity, but I think that’s more me not knowing what to look for. 

  5. Alcohol - Moderately High - Yes

Now, lets look at the descriptors. It gives 5, and I think I detect 3 of them: Tobacco, cedar, and dill. 

Now lets look at some reviews. On, users gave it an average of 3.8 stars. One review particularly stuck out to me, as it mentioned the taste of coffee, which I didn’t realize I detected until reading it. 


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Tasting - Chateau Davril Bordeaux (4/16)

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